Physicians Helping Attorneys Helping PeopleTM 715-299-8226
This Month’s Question:
What is a Medical Summary Report and how will it benefit my client and the case?
The service most requested by our attorney clients is to prepare comprehensive Medical Summary Reports, that is, a complete review of the case including our medical opinions based on our review of the medical records, our interview with your client and our review of the pertinent medical literature. Medical Summary Reports can be used in two ways. The reports can be used to help attorneys do the medical coordination on the case. However, far and away, the reason attorneys have us prepare Medical Summary Reports is to include the report as part of their settle demand letters.
As you know, attorneys will certainly have medical records from treating doctors. You might even have a medical summary from one or two treating doctors about their part of the case. We produce comprehensive Medical Summary Reports that synthesize all the medical data and encompasses the entire case including our opinions about ongoing medical problems, causation, mechanism of injury, functional losses and future medical care & costs for every injury/medical problem all backed up by evidence from the medical literature. We quote directly from the medical records, accident reports, our interview with your client and the literature to give a complete & comprehensive picture of the case. We make a concerted effort to write these reports in a way that both physicians and lay people understand.
Here are the headings of each section of the report:
Records Reviewed
Brief History of Events
Pertinent Verbatim Records
Ongoing Medical Problems
Medical Costs to Date
Future Medical Care & Costs
The consistent feedback we’ve been getting for years is that by using our Medical Summary Reports attorneys are, in fact, settling cases for better value with less attorney time. Some attorneys ask us to write a Medical Summary Report for every case they take in.
Give us a call at 715-299-8226 and we can fill in the details of why these reports have proven so valuable to your colleagues cases.
Let Us Know How We Can Help You
- Medical Summary Reports for Settlement Letters
- IME Observation & IME Rebuttal Reports
- Reports Answering Specific Medical Questions
- Standard of Care Reviews
- Liaison with Treating Doctors
- Help with Strategies to Promote Medical Theories
- Interpretation of Meaning, or lack thereof, of Medical Reports & Records
- Independent Record Reviews
- Assessment of Case Validity Regarding Medical Issues
- Referral to Expert Medical Witnesses
- Medical Research
- Facilitation of Communication with Clients, Families, Professionals and Service & Governmental Agencies
- Case Coordination
- Deposition & Trial Question Preparation
- Table-side Deposition & Trial Assistance
As you know, we have purposefully kept our fees exceptionally low allowing you the opportunity to have us review your cases early in your representation while controlling your expenses.
CONTACT US for Information or our Fee Schedule 715-299-8226